Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BETTER LIVING THRU OLD COMICS #9: Backwoods and Frontier Lore from DELL!

A great old DELL comic [is there any other kinda Dell comic?] was their 100-page super giant LIFE STORY of Abe Lincoln, first published back in 1958.  Although I think I still do own this one [somewhere], the scans here are from the incredible website dedicated to legendary Italian comics artist Alberto Giolitti,  a page which you can visit HERE .  These are some really great info-pages on various aspects of frontier life.

Does any kid get this kind of thing in their entertainment today??



  1. Fine drawings. I can see that A. Lincoln would be interesting.

  2. Yeah its a beautiful issue. Giolitti was a master... and not just cuz he was also named "Albert"... :)
