Saturday, July 28, 2012

WALK IN THE MONSOON... With the Dawgs!

Today my wife and I took a walk with our 2 dogs in the nearby historic Fairbank, AZ ghost-townsite.  It is a great little state park about 3 miles away from my house that has a wonderful nature walk down to the San Pedro River.  [What we call a "River"  in AZ would probably make make most of you all laugh uproariously, but this time of year it actually has water-- so you would laugh slightly less!]

Well we got caught in nifty gully-washer of a Monsoon, and had to take shelter under an old train trestle for about a solid hour [great and needed rainstorm!] where Patty snapped this pic of me holding our crazy hound dog Posy's leash.

God has given us a great rainy season in Southern AZ this summer so far... in fact...  I am quite sure what we have gotten is already enough to insure NO REPEAT of last year's awful Fire season!

Praise The Lord!

A pretty good site about Fairbank is found  HERE. 

The Wikipedia article is  HERE.



  1. Interesting items on Fairbank. I don't believe I've been by there. Thanks for the info. I'm glad part of Arizona is getting rain.

  2. OSCAR: You should definitely visit Fairbank one day! VERY historic old railstop. The town existing entirely as a Rail-stop [until the 1960s] so hence its "ghost-town" status today.

    At least 2 great western writers i could name [GORDON SHIRREFFS and ELMORE LEONARD] used it as a setting in their fiction.

    Plus... if you DO ever venture down here you can stop by albie's Hacienda!

