Wednesday, July 4, 2012

HYMN TIME #8: "Count Your Blessings"

Today's old hymn is actually the best one I can think of for Independence Day. Have you ever stopped and considered how blessed you are to live in this country?  A free market economy to live and work in? Freedom to meet in Jesus' name? Freedom to read your Bible?

How about "innocent until proven guilty?" Representative government? Very little widespread hunger?   I could go on and ON...

COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS  first appeared in Songs for Young People, compiled and published by Edwin 0. Excell in 1897. It has been sung all over the world. One writer has stated, "Like a beam of sunlight it has brightened up the dark places of the earth."

It was written by Johnson Oatman [words] and Excell [music].  It is an excellent reminder to value every thing you have been generously given through God's Amazing Grace!

Now for the videos:  I really like this lady's attitude... about life, blessings and especially Old Hymns Of The Church.  She does a pretty great job with the song itself too.


And here is a musical version from some Irish folks:
 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”  
Ephesians 1:3


  1. And a mighty fine song it is, too! This is one that was never gotten around to enough in church when I was growing up.

  2. OSCAR: Yup, I agree. A classic. Every word packs a whallop.

    Thanks for commenting!

  3. I love, love old hymns. They are very deep and refresing. I'm going to get me a copy of Golden Bells because of this,lol.

    Thanks for the reminder, God bless you

  4. We certainly have plenty of blessings in Christ!

    Check out:

  5. DOSH: I love the old hymns too! So much doctrine and meaning.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. DAVID: Thanks for the link, my friend... I promise to read the whole thing.

