Albie's note: When was the last time you heard a sermon preached against anger and the abject loss of one's temper? More often I have instead heard pulpit references to my right to righteous anger, as if The Bible had nothing to say against losing my temper like a spoiled child.
Well. old Billy Sunday preached about it! In fact, here is one of his favorite verses:
Well. old Billy Sunday preached about it! In fact, here is one of his favorite verses:
"Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools."
“I have only two minutes more and then I am through. Bad temper.
"You abuse your wife and you abuse your children; and you lady, abuse your husband; turn your old Gatling-gun tongue loose.
"A lady came to me and said, 'Mr. Sunday, I know I have a bad temper, but its ok, I am over with it in a minute.' So is the shotgun, ma'am, and it blows everything to pieces!
"And then, finally, you abuse the telephone girl because she doesn't connect you in a minute. Bad temper.
"I see you abuse your wife, you go cussing around if supper isn't ready on time; cussing because the coffee isn't hot; you dig your fork into a hunk of beefsteak and put it on your plate and then you say: 'Where did you get this, woman, in the harness shop? Take it out and make a hinge for the door!'
"Then, rascal, you go to your store, or office, and smile and everybody thinks you are just an angel about to sprout wings and fly to the imperial realm above. Hypocrite!
"Bad temper! You growl at your children; you snap and snarl around the house until they have to go to the neighbors to see a smile. They never get a kind word - no wonder so many of them go to the Devil quick.”
SOURCE: Billy Sunday, The Need for Revivals, From "Billy Sunday: The Man and His Message," by William T. Ellis, Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1914
Control they temper is the message. I never saw the movie Anger Management, but I guess it covered this subject, too.
ReplyDeleteOSCAR: Yeah I missed that'un also... sounds apropos, though, youre right.
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